Monday, October 15, 2012


A prime example of someone who wasted the money instead of spending it correctly.  You can't expect your employees to "give back" when they can see a larger portion being wasted away on ridiculous programs like "all day kindergarten" among others.

Spend wisely.


  1. I know you haven't posted here in quite some time, but I thought you might be interested in the developments of your counter parts in OSSTF. They have tentative deals in several districts across the province. What they decide to do will greatly influence all teacher bargaining units. It looks like the deals are the OECTA deal with a few minor changes. Here is a link to an article regarding these deals. I would urge anyone with a stake in public education to seriously consider whether these benefit teachers, students or the future of Ontario.

  2. I know you haven't posted here in quite some time, but I thought you might be interested in the developments of your counter parts in OSSTF. They have tentative deals in several districts across the province. What they decide to do will greatly influence all teacher bargaining units. It looks like the deals are the OECTA deal with a few minor changes. Here is a link to an article regarding these deals. I would urge anyone with a stake in public education to seriously consider whether these benefit teachers, students or the future of Ontario.

  3. I know you haven't posted here in a while, but I am hopeful that you will see this post. There have been some interesting developments regarding teacher bargaining. I am an OSSTF member who would like to apologize for what my union is about to do to education in Ontario. We are leaving ETFO and others standing by themselves. We have talked a good game of STANDING UP, STANDING STRONG and STANDING UNITED... none of which we are doing. These tentative deals in several districts are definitely "substantively identical" and begs the question: Why even bother with the appearance of sanctions etc. when you are going to take the same deal? Why stress everyone out with the decision of extra-curriculars or not when the deal is the same as the summer? Here is the article, I don't have any other details of these deals as we have not heard officially yet, but all signs point to the OECTA deal with very minor changes.

    Not sure what else to do other than inform people and hope the members in those districts that are going to have ratification votes realize all of our collective fates rest in their hands.

  4. Will you be updating this blog more? We really need to spread your message widely!!
